The "Masters" include the 10's 11's & 12's, and are very important in advanced mathematics. These multipliers are also used in a variety of basic daily tasks and require us to have automatic recall of these facts. And just like the "Basics" & "Meanies", the "Masters" can be conquered with the help of Multi-Facts puzzles.
The first step in learning the multiplication table is to practice each fact individually. Practicing your multiplication facts is the only way to get enough exposure to the information for it to become automatic. Remember the phrase, "Practice makes perfect"? It applies here, as it does with any multi-step skill that you would like to learn. The goal of our puzzles is to build a solid foundation of basic math and thinking skills so that children can handle math problems with confidence.
Why is this so hard for some students? Students and teachers must recognize that learning the multiplication facts is a memorization task. It does not reflect a person's math ability. Learn more.
The Multi-Facts iPad App is LIVE on the iTunes App Store. If you have a child and an iPad, go get the App!! If you don't have an iPad, what are you waiting for?
This 9x12 multiplication chart is a perfect tool to help students with all Multi-Facts puzzles. Some teachers require that students learn their multiples up to 12 so we created a chart that includes these multipliers. Download Here
Multi-Facts puzzles have similar rules to the popular Sudoku puzzles. If you are unfamiliar with Sudoku puzzles, all you need to understand Multi-Facts puzzles is one definition and three basic rules. Get more info.